Unfinished History
February 2, 1916: view south on Folsom Street at 23rd, Southern Pacific Railroad crossing.
Photo: OpenSFHistory.org wnp5.50336
View northeast across 24th Street and Folsom Street. This is the Market Street Railway #36 streetcar line, with the Marvel Luncheonette in the background, 1937.
Photo: OpenSFHistory.org wnp5.50329
October 1939, 24th and Folsom, #35 line going west on 24th Street, Marvel Luncheonette on corner.
Photo: OpenSFHistory.org wnp27.3647
Folsom and 23rd Street, 1939. View northeast with the northbound #36 streetcar line at the Southern Pacific crossing.
Photo: OpenSFHistory.org wnp14.3588
1939 view northeast of the Market Street Railway #36 streetcar crossing at 24th Street.
Photo: OpenSFHistory.org wnp14.10012
August 1940 view to the northwest across 24th Street as #35 streetcar rolls through in an easterly direction.
Photo: OpenSFHistory.org wnp14.3589
Folsom and 25th Streets, southwesterly, c. 1935. Bernal Hill in background.
Photo: OpenSFHistory.org wnp67.0529