Unfinished History
This image taken in 1866 looking north on Powell is just fifteen years after the area was still largely sand dunes covered in scrub. Note Temple Emanu-el in distance, a block north of Union Square.
Photo: Private collection
Baldwin Hotel at Market and Powell in the late 1880s.
Photo: Private collection
Flood Building at Powell and Market, 1908.
Photo: C.R. collection
Powell and Market, c. 1910.
Photo: Private collection
Flood Building across from Techau Tavern at Powell and Market, c. 1910.
Photo: Private collection
Powell, Eddy, and Market Streets, c.1920s, when this corner was the entry point to the Tenderloin.
Photo: C.R.collection
Man standing under awning of Owl Drugs on ground floor of Flood Building at Powell and Eddy and Market Streets, c. 1940s.
Photo: Private collection
Cable car turnaround at Eddy/Powell and Market Streets, c. 1940s.
Photo: Private collection
Cable Car still ends here, but turnaround no longer in use at Powell and Market Streets, 2023.
Photo: Eihway Su
Flood Building, 2023.
Photo: Eihway Su
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Erased Landscape
Video: Glenn Lym