Powell and Market Changes Through the Years

Unfinished History


This image taken in 1866 looking north on Powell is just fifteen years after the area was still largely sand dunes covered in scrub. Note Temple Emanu-el in distance, a block north of Union Square.

Photo: Private collection


Baldwin Hotel at Market and Powell in the late 1880s.

Photo: Private collection


Flood Building at Powell and Market, 1908.

Photo: C.R. collection


Powell and Market, c. 1910.

Photo: Private collection


Flood Building across from Techau Tavern at Powell and Market, c. 1910.

Photo: Private collection


Powell, Eddy, and Market Streets, c.1920s, when this corner was the entry point to the Tenderloin.

Photo: C.R.collection


Man standing under awning of Owl Drugs on ground floor of Flood Building at Powell and Eddy and Market Streets, c. 1940s.

Photo: Private collection


Cable car turnaround at Eddy/Powell and Market Streets, c. 1940s.

Photo: Private collection

Powell and Market Cable Car Turnaround.2023.JPG

Cable car still ends here, but turnaround no longer in use at Powell/Eddy and Market Streets, 2023.

Photo: Eihway Su

Flood Building 2023.sharpened.jpg

Flood Building, 2023.

Photo: Eihway Su

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Erased Landscape

Video: Glenn Lym